Laboratory of experimental yet useful tiny projects

New BSD License

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  1. Canvas Based Color Picker.

    Yes, there are many different color picker widgets out there implemented using JavaScript. Yet this one is different with any of them from the root. As you might have noticed, yes, it's implemented using the HTML5 <canvas> element. The transparent image based color picker has a big drawback: it's hard to resize. You always limited by the image size when you want to display a proper-sized color picker for your application. But canvas based color picker is different. You can change the color picker to any size you want...

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  2. EasyComment

    Allowing visitors to leave comment on your web page can never be easier with the help of EasyComment. EasyComment is a lightweight yet full functional jQuery plugin that can be easily embedded in any web page to allow visitors to leave comments on that page. No database is required. EasyComment also support multi section comments within one page...

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